Silver Ferrett

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Familiar Silver Ferrett
Type rodent
Vitality 10
Physical Armor 0
Magical Armor 2
Evade 8
Initiative 5
Move 2 + 1d8
Attack 2d6
Special Skills or Attacks
  • Rabid Bite: target must make immunity check against 1d4 poison for 1d6 rounds
  • Pick Pocket: +2 to your Luck score that ferret will bring back 1 item of 1d20 of target's shillings
  • Hide: must make perceive check to find
Character Benefits
  • Pick Pocket: +2 to your Luck score that ferret will bring back 1 item of 1d20 of target's shillings
  • Retreive: can retrieve any item weighing 10 pounds or less thats in sight
Cost 60.00


Tags: familiar, rodent