
The next section of your character sheet deals with alignment. Alignment is your character’s moral disposition. Basically alignment identifies how your character acts based on moral scales of chaos or order and good or evil, by giving your character a label based on society moral standards. Alignment labels such as lawful, evil, good, and chaotic are not necessarily labels by which your character identifies him or herself by, but how society as a whole would view your character based on your character’s actions and reputation.


Here is the alignment chart. It is reflective of your character’s moral points in both light/dark and order/chaos. If your character has 0 for each, your character is True Neutral. If your character has 0 light or dark points but positive order points, your character is Lawful Neutral. If your character has 24 dark points and 30 order points, your character is lawful evil. 

When creating a character you cannot pick which alignment you wish your character to be. Your character may consider him or herself good or evil upon creation, but it may not be how society as a whole sees your character. Since your character has yet started to truly live and interact with society, they have yet to develop a reputation. Thus, your character starts as true neutral . As you play your character, your character’s reputation will change upon your actions as your character. This will cause your alignment to change over time. It is important to consider your actions when role-playing because alignment affects how people react around you, whether or not you will get help or always be watched, or even allowed into certain towns or areas.

Moral Points: Light, Dark, Order, and Chaos

Moral Points are the statistical number which is used to monitor your character’s reputation and alignment. Moral Points are divided into four seperate point fields: light, dark, order, and chaos. All characters starting out have a moral point score of zero in all four fields, though what you role during character origins might affect this. Moral points are awarded to your character based on the decisions and actions of your character in certain situations, with the type of reaction or response and the situation determing just what kind of moral points your character can gain.  Such actions can include your character’s thoughts and attitude towards the situation. For example, saving a child from a burning building is considered a good thing to do and would grant your character light moral points. However if your character went into the burning building simple to lift some treasure or for an other selfish reason, and saving the child was only done as an after thought or for the possibility of reward your character may also receive chaos moral points. If your character set the building on fire to begin with and rescued to child to use that act as leverage on the child’s family, that may result in receiving chaos and dark moral points. Also if your character went into the building to rescue the child, but was reluctant to do so and complained whether verbally or mentally the entire time, your character may not receive any moral points, or may only receive order moral points if the character felt obligated to do so due to laws or customs.

The moral points are better obtained and defined as such:

  • Light Moral Points: These are moral points obtained for doing things that are considered good. An example of this would be saving a child.
  • Dark Moral Points: These are moral points obtained for doing things that are considered dark or evil. An example of this would be killing a child or standing by watching an endangered child and doing nothing.
  • Order Moral Points: These are moral points obtained for maintaining laws, customs, and other similar ideals in your actions, or working to preserve and maintain law and order. An example of this would be saving the child due to being expected to do soor assisting the local guard in rescuing the child.
  • Chaos Moral Points: These are moral points that are obtained when you have no regard to laws or customs of a region or area in your actions. An example of this would be doing whatever it took to save that child, including anything that is unlawful.

How Moral Points Work

At first moral points might be easy to work with. After all, you will likely have 0 in all fields, marking your character as True Neutral. However, this is unlikely to last long, because even going out of your way to stay completely neutral could wind you up with moral points. Therefore, understanding how moral points works is very important. 

The basics are simple:

  • If you gain only light points you become good
  • If you gain only dark points, you become evil.
  • If you gain only order points, you become lawful.
  • If you gain only chaos points, you become chaotic.

However, it is unlikely you will only gain one type of points. Instead you might have light points and chaos points. In that case, you would be chaotic good. For example:

  • Having both light and chaos points means you are chaotic good
  • Having both light and order points means you are lawful good
  • Having both dark and chaos points means you are chaotic evil.
  • Having both dark and order points means you are lawful evil.

But what if you have more? What if you have light, dark, and order points? What if you have all four? A very important rule to remember is this:

Light and Dark cancel each other out, as does Chaos and Order.

What that means is that you will never have both light and dark points or both chaos and order points. If you have either, you subtract the two until you have only one. For example lets say you have 10 dark points and 12 light points. You would subtract 12 from 10, leaving you with only 2 light points. If it was 15 dark and 10 light, you would be left with 5 dark. The same thing happens with chaos and order points; if you have 12 chaos points and 18 order points, you really only have 6 order points. If you had 4 dark points and 8 chaos points, and were recently rewarded 8 light points and 4 chaos points for an action you did, you would then have 4 light points and 12 chaos points. 


As already noted above, your moral points determine your character's alignment. The alignments are as follows; True Neutral, Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Good, Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil, and Lawful Evil. But exactly what are these alignments and what do they mean for your character?

The Neutral Alignments simply mean that you are at least neutral in one aspect of societal living. True Neutral is simply not yet developing an alignment. Neutral Good is having done enough good acts but not enough lawful or chaotic acts. Neutral Evil is having done enough evil acts without obtaining significant order or chaos points. Lawful Neutral is having lived by the law but not having done enough to make you good or evil, while Chaotic Neutral is having shown disregard to laws and standards while not having done enough to make you evil or good. It is very hard to remain in the neutral spectrum, and almost impossible to remain True Neutral. Those with any neutrality are regarded as having low presence or lacking in experience or reputation. To maintain and play a neutral character is to forego roleplaying all together, simply trying to play the system to maintain a lack of alignment. 

Chaotic Good: If you are Chaotic Good, that means you are willing to do anything to help your fellow man or to right the wrongs in society. You have little regard for law, and it shows, but you have a great regard for the people. Those who are chaotic good tend to be viewed as heroes by the common man while being scorned by proper society, law enforcement, and authority figures. As such, it is common for a commoner to raise up to help a chaotic good character while that chaotic good character is being watched carefully and judged harshly. It is the chaotic good who will go to war to bring down an evil king or set slaves free. 

Lawful Good: If you are Lawful Good, that means you are willing to help out others but you will do so by the letter of the law. Your are more occupied with rules, regulations, and expectations than you are with helping others. Those who are lawful good are the paladins and the city guard, the priests and the good kings. These people are regarded as national heroes and held with great esteem and respect by rulers, peace keepers, high society, and merchants. The common folk might like and appreciate them, however they will never trust them and will often be reluctant to help. 

Chaotic Evil: If you are Chaotic Evil then you are perhaps the darkest, most self-centered person alive. Someone who is chaotic evil does whatever he or she wants. A chaotic evil person doesn't care if it breaks laws or gets people hurt, he or she only cares what it does for them. If a chaotic evil person wants a shiny sword that another person has, he or she will do whatever it takes to get it. These are your theives and and murderers. No one likes a chaotic evil person. They are always regarded with great scorn, even turned away or arrested on sight. Those who are chaotic evil also often find themselves on the wrong end of a hit list. 

Lawful Evil: If you are Lawful Evil, that means you do what you want, but nothing illegal. You are the kind of person who see's nothing wrong with holding slaves or innocent lives lost in war. Those that are Lawful Evil are perhaps the most dangerous because they aren't going to be proscecuted by the law but can instead use it to their advantage to get what they want. Tyrant kings, crooked merchants, and not-so-holy priests are some of whom are lawful evil. Others might not like them, but a lawful evil person will find little trouble moving about the country side, going into town, or carrying out their buisness. 

Changing Alignments

Just having 1 light point doesn't make you good, nor does  having 1 chaos point make you chaotic. You have to gain enough points to be considered in any alignment. You need to have 10 points to reach an alignment. 

  • You have to have 10 Light Points to be considered Good.
  • You have to have 10 Dark Points to be considered Evil.
  • You have to have 10 Order Points to be considered Lawful.
  • You have to have 10 Chaos Points to be considered Chaotic
  • If you do not have 10 points, you are neutral in that alignment. If you slip below 10 points in any of the moral points, your alignment will become neutral for that alignment. 

Aura, Intimidation, and Charm

Your alignment can also greatly affect your Influence, and Intimidate feats. 

Here is a chart to help determine your influence and intimate modifiers based on alignment…

  Chaos Neutral Order
Good +1 to intimidate for every 10 chaos points -1 intimidate for every 10 light points +1 influence every 10 light points
Neutral +1 to intimidate for every 15 chaos points No effect +1 influence every 15 order points
Evil +1 to intimidate for every 5 chaos points +1 Intimidation every 10 dark points +1 influence every 10 dark points

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