
Race: Elf
Subtypes: Yerk (Wood Elf), Ascia (Spirit Elf), Rover (Plains Elf), Dweller (Dark Elf), Xeno (Rune Elf)


Weight Range: 90 - 200
Height Ranges: 4 foot to 7 foot
Genders: Male, Female
Life Expectancy: 500
Quick List of Modifiers for all elves:
+5 to Perceive,
+5 to Bow's Range
+3 to Bow Power

+3 to Hit Chance 
All elves are immune to sleep and to poisons that deal
1d10 or less damage, with higher poisons dealing half damage.

Brief History

It is said that elves were all once of a singular type. They worked together and achieved great things until one day they decided that they were greater than the gods. It was then, legends say, that the gods divided them, separating the elves into various types with different relationships with each other and different abilities. From the singular elf race came forth the Yerk or Wood Elf, the Ascia or Spirit Elf, the Rover or Plains Elf, the Dweller or Dark Elf, and the Xeno or Rune Elf. While some of these elven sub-types will work together, there remains a deeply ingrained prejudice for any elf that is not of their own kind.

Positives & Negatives

The strengths and weaknesses of the elf can vary depending on the type of elf you play as.


Elves have three stages of life. The first stage, childhood, last from birth until 14. During this stage the young elf grows and develops its many skills needed for survival, though just a tad slower at developing than a human. The young elf stays at home during this stage.

The second stage, becomance, last from 15 until 25. During this stage the elf leaves his parents and lives with relatives. This is their adolescence, when they develop into young men or women.

The final stage, adulthood, last from 26 until death. During this stage the elf must first become accepted into the elfin culture, which varies from tribe to tribe, and then is allowed to live on his or her own. It is also during this stage that an elf may find a spouse. According to elfish law, the female must persuade her love to court her. After which it is up to the male to marry her. Elves never seem to change much during their adult hood until they reach around 350 to 400 years old. Then they begin to age quickly and look elderly. Death comes naturally and expectantly to the elves.

Food & Sleeping Requirements

Elves require 3 meals a day consisting of fruits, vegetables, fungus, small fowl and woodland creature, and water. They must sleep a full night’s cycle every night or suffer from fatigue.

Elf Subtypes

Child pages:

  • Wood Elf
    body content, 0 posts, 0 children
  • Spirit Elf
    body content, 0 posts, 0 children
  • Plains Elf
    body content, 0 posts, 0 children
  • Dark Elf
    body content, 0 posts, 0 children
  • Rune Elf
    body content, 0 posts, 0 children

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