
Race: Human


Weight Range: 90 - 400
Height Ranges: 4 foot to 7 foot
Genders: Male, Female, Hermaphrodite
Life Expectancy: 100
Quick List of Modifiers:
+2 to Endure
+2 to Insight
+1 to Investigate
+1 to Influence

Basic History

Humans are perhaps Nor’Ova’s largest race. Having a short life span, humans have eagerly threw themselves into the limelight. Building large fortresses, creating kingdoms and empires faster than they can reproduce, the human race has had a vibrant history.

Humans are not native to Nor'Ova. It is recorded that the first humans on Nor'Ova appeared around 80 years into the First Era. They are believed to have come from one of the large planetary debris that hit Nor'Ova during the Chalcedon Event that started the First Era, along with xodians and angerians. Where they come from originally is not known, except in bedtime stories and long forgotten legends. Despite not being from Nor'Ova originally, they have not only made Nor'Ova their home but have also had a large impact on Nor'Ova's history. Humans were largely responsible for the great technological discoveries throughout the First Era, and were some of the first to quickly adapt to the world after the fallout of the Great Magic War. Humans are an industrious race who can easily adapt to any environment and will often outlast most others in the harshest of conditions.

Positives & Negatives

Humans are innovative and upbeat, however they are often influenced more by emotion and desire instead of intellect. This is your average race – not great or bad at any one thing. 


Humans have three stages of life. The first stage, which last from child-birth until they reach the age of 13, is called their childhood. During this time they are completely dependent upon their parents for support, and are still developing certain skills needed for survival as well as their appearance as an adult human.

The second stage, which last from 13 until 21 is their adolescence. It is at this stage in their life they begin trying to develop just who they are, and where they fit into this world. They also become anxious and seek more and more independence and tend to rebel against their parents. Though they are not yet considered full-fledged adults, some leave their parents in this stage.

Their final stage, adulthood, last from 22 until death. During this stage most humans are already separated from their parents but keep close relationships with them. They generally have become more matured and stopped their growing and developing by now. Their death can be painful or painless, and generally comes when they are in their late 80’s. There is only a 60% chance humans will reach their max age, and a 20% chance they will live longer (20% per additional year).


Humans are typically various shades of peach and brown, have either blue, brown, or blue-green eyes, and have hair of many different colors.

Living Habitat

Humans typically live in cities, though can be found anywhere.

Food & Sleeping Requirements

Humans require one meal every three days, though can and usually will eat several times a day. They need to sleep at least 6 hours (one 1/2 cycle) every night or suffer from fatigue.


Humans enjoy celebrating a wide assortment of festivals and parties. They are a very social race who enjoys engaging with other races, though are often filled with prejudices and fears against other races. Humans are settlers and conquerors. Most humans are monotheistic in their beliefs.

Humans often have a first and last name, with the last name being a family name. Many even have middle names, usually added to appease some other family member or to pay tribute to some other figure.

Racial Relations

Humans will work well with most like-minded people. There remains some prejudices and feelings of superiority when engaging with humans of other shades and cultures. Humans bear some resentment and envy towards elves of all type. They have a fondness and respect for dwarfs, are interested in races of lore and especially in Angerians. Most tolerate though with feelings of superiority towards half beasts. They are distrustful towards Talusians, Deztunians, reptilian races, and especially so of xodians.

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